Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Someone Like You (Pages 165-230)

One day as Halley was at work her mother went and forced her to go out to eat with her after work. She talked to her about her dislike towards her relationship with Macon. Her parents had decided that she was not going to be allowed to see him. When they arrived home her father was on the phone, Halley's grandmother had fallen braking several ribs before anybody found her. Her mom left to assist her grandmother as she was going into hip surgery. Her father was to stay with her, he was always busy so he didn't really track where Halley was throughout the day giving her time to hang out with Macon. One day he dropped her off at home but no one was inside, he asked if he could come inside and attempted to take it to the next level, Halley would not let him so he left. As the days went on it was soon Thanksgiving break in which Halley and her father went to see her grandmother. After leaving her grandmother and coming back home, Halley was always busy helping Scarlett around with doctors appointments and her cravings. On the New Years Eve instead of hanging out with Scarlett she went to a party with Macon where he gave her drinks and a bong to smoke, and attempted to"steal the territory" in his friends bedroom .

" 'No' I said, and I was crying suddenly, scared in this strange place and I hated him for doing this to me, hated myself, hated my mother and Scarlett for being right, all along.(page 230)"

Halley made this realization after she knew that she was not ready as Scarlett had told her before she went with Macon to the party. Scarlett told her that she shouldn't do it and get attached to a guy who cannot express his feelings towards her. This was going through her mind as he tried taking their relationship to the next level.

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